
I don’t know anything about my readers that they don’t tell me, and that’s the way I like it.

This site is hosted on Amazon, and when you grab things, Amazon’s logs know what your network is and what you got. Amazon owns a huge chunk of the internet, so while that’s not as private as I like, that’s as private as it’s going to get.

I don’t have analytics, which is a pretty standard thing for websites now. Mostly, analytics have listeners all over the page, feeding information about all your mouse movements, clicks and keystrokes into a log. I’m curious about what you’re doing, but I’m not curious enough to feed it to Google.

There’s some really big incentive that could make me give up my current privacy standard and go to something more like other sites you visit every day. If someone says they’ll give me my own elephant herd, but only if I start gathering analytics, I’ll set up Google Analytics pretty fast.

If that happens, or if I set up a feature that requires I scale back my privacy standards, I’ll set up an alert on the site to tell you about the change in privacy.

In the mean time, my only data layer is a file that tracks the panels themselves. I don’t know squat about you.